We understand that collecting high-end space memorabilia can be difficult without selling parts of your own collection, and so to make the process easier, we sometimes conduct trades or part-trades (when the deal is right). If you would like one of our high-end artifacts and would like to trade or part-trade, please fill out the form below.

What is the difference between a trade and a part-trade?

A trade is a direct swap of one artifact for another and involves no money in the exchange.

A part-trade is a swap for one artifact for another, plus an additional money offering to make up the difference in value (as sometimes the artifact you're offering is worth less than the artifact you're asking for).

Can I submit a trade request?

We only offer trades and part-trades for artifact(s) valued at more than £1000 at this moment in time.

Please also list the currency (i.e. GBP or EUR)

PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU SUBMIT: Please note that we consider very carefully the financial value of the artifacts in question and will make a judgement on whether or not to accept the deal based on whether or not we believe the deal is fair. We would ask that you do the same before submitting.